
17 Surprising Benefits of Locust Beans (Iru)

The African locust bean is of great importance, as many people rely on it as a source of food, firewood, timber, fodders, dye, traditional medicines, and remedies for several ailments.

A perennial deciduous tree in the Fabaceae family known as the African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) is farmed primarily for its pods, which yield both tiny valued seeds and tasty pulp. It is a member of the Leguminosae plant family, Mimosaceae.

The tree thrives in full sunlight and is a fire-resistant heliophyte. The tree is known for its thickness and dark brownish-grayish bark. It also has hanging pods between 30 and 45 cm long and contains up to 30 seeds per pod. The locust bean-like pods are often pinkish in color while young but turn dark brown when fully mature.

Surprising Benefits of Locust Beans

There are several names for it in Africa, including “dawadawa” in Hausa, “ogiri” in Igbo, and “iru” in Yoruba. Humans utilize some of these plants as food, but others are crucial for medical or other purposes.Since it is utilized, by many people, as a source of food, fuel, timber, fodder, dye, traditional cures, and a remedy for several ailments, the African locust bean is highly significant. The fruits, seeds, leaves, nuts, pods, and essential oils of the African locust bean are all vitally important to the economy of these countries.

The seeds, which are enclosed in the yellow pulp are the most important and the most widely used part of this plant. These seeds are usually converted into a flavourful and aromatic spice which is locally known as iru, ogiri or dawadawa.

Parkia biglobosa processing into the final aromatic product (iru, daddawa, dawadawa) is essential because it increases nutritional value, reduces antinutrients (natural or synthetic compounds that inhibit nutrient absorption), increases digestibility, and enriches its unique flavor to improve the smell and taste of food.

It also fortifies the immune system and treats diseases like diabetes and diarrhea while reducing the risk of heart attacks. Also as a remedy to lessen the effects of poison, including the kind in snake and scorpion venom.

Surprising Benefits of Locust Beans

The African locust bean tree serves a variety of purposes. It’s bark can also be inhaled as a vapor to treat ear and toothaches. Leprosy, bronchitis, skin conditions, sores, ulcers, malaria, hypertension, and many other illnesses, can all be treated with it. Additionally, the bark and lemon are combined to treat wounds and ulcers.

Given the value of everything found inside the African locust bean tree, it is a good source of revenue for those in rural areas of that continent. It contains tannic and astringent compounds in many plants and is a decent substitute for spicy or spice cubes.

Good vision:

Due to the natural ingredients and nutrients found in African locust beans, consuming it will help to have better vision, especially for people with eye issues like cataracts, minus eyes, and myopia.

It can treat stroke:

A stroke is when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted, which is fatal. Research shows that consuming a good amount of African locust beans can protect you against such sickness.

Reduce cholesterol level:

Heart problems can result from cholesterol, which can obstruct some blood arteries. Consuming locust beans might assist your body in maintaining a healthy level of cholesterol.

 Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders:

Due to the high tannin content of African locust beans, all parts of the plant, including the seeds, roots, stems, bark, fruits, flowers, and leaves, can be used to treat gastrointestinal conditions, including diarrhea and ulcers.

Treats hypertension:

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a chronic medical disorder where the blood pressure in the arteries continues to rise over the healthy range. The procyanidin found in the leaves has been shown to lower blood pressure. So by drastically lowering diastolic blood pressure more than systolic blood pressure, eating a healthy quantity will benefit those with hypertension.

Helps control blood sugar level:

Sugar is necessary for the body to produce enough energy, but it must be consistent since high or unstable sugar levels can cause diabetes. Therefore, eating African locust beans will help with blood sugar control.

Improve digestion:

Eating a good amount of African locust beans can improve digestion. Good digestion will give you a healthy body as the excretion process in the body will be facilitated to prevent constipation.

Healthy weight:

Eating African locust beans will help you naturally gain weight.

 Heal Wounds:

Eating African locust beans can cure ulcer sores both inside and topically. The bean and crushed leaves are administered to the wound to heal it.

Reduce Fever:

African locust beans consist of many vital nutrients cherished by the body. Therefore consuming healthy African locust beans will give you good health and reduces fever.

Anti-oxidizing Properties:

As a result of its powerful free radical scavenging and reduction properties, it can be utilized as an antioxidant to help the body cleanse. The fruit’s extraordinary polyphenol content contributes significantly to its anti-oxidizing qualities.

Wound Healing Properties:

The bark of the African locust beans can be crushed, ground, soaked, and boiled to make herbal tea for treating and healing wounds.

Boosts the Immune System:

African locust beans are beneficial, for strengthening the immune system, particularly in people with impaired immune systems.

Dental Care:

The bark can be infused, soaked, and boiled for use as a mouthwash and for treating toothache.

 Dermatological Care:

Individuals with skin illnesses like leprosy and sores can infuse, soak, and bathe in the root, bark, pod, and leaves of African locust beans. Burns can also be relieved by applying it directly to the skin.

Anti-malarial Properties:

African Locust bean is very effective in treating malaria. Both the leaves, pods, stems, and barks can be macerated and used as an herbal remedy for tackling malaria.

Antibacterial Properties:

Due to its streptomycin-like antibacterial qualities, the African locust bean plant can both prevent and treat bacterial infections.

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