
3 Reasons to Avoid Vegetable Oils

Even though the name sounds healthy, vegetable oil is NOT made from vegetables.
Oils are combined to create vegetable oil. The effects on your health are all quite harmful. These oils include canola, safflower, cottonseed, soybean, canola oil, and maize oils.
They are pretty dangerous, and I’m not even kidding. And so, why?

Reason #1 — Vegetable oils usually contain deadly trans fats, even if non-hydrogenated.

Transfat is deadly and could lead to all sorts of scary health problems like cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and more.

Knowing these facts, I’m sure you already know to stay away from foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

What you probably DON’T realize is that because all vegetable oils are refined and are subjected to extremely high temperatures, solvents, and pressure, even non-hydrogenated vegetable oils can contain traces of trans fats. Yes, this also applies to supposedly “expeller-pressed” vegetable oils.

Some of the polyunsaturated components in vegetable oils, including so-called “healthy” canola oil, are made to change into trans fats and something even worse that we’ll discuss in a moment called “MegaTrans” as a result of all this high heat, high pressure, and hexane solvent processing.

Research at the University of Florida at Gainesville found trans fat levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid canola oil “.

And this is the garbage that the government and enormous food conglomerates are marketing to you as a “healthy oil”! Avoid falling for it.

Reason #2 — Vegetable oils contain oxidized “mutated fats” that are worse than trans fat & CAUSE heart attacks.

All vegetable oils contain oxidized fats due to the refining process and chemical reactions with the polyunsaturated fat content of vegetable oils.

Expert Nutrition author, Catherine Shanahan, MD, calls the fats in vegetable oils “MegaTrans”, because they are similar in chemistry to trans fats, but even WORSE.

And practically ALL restaurant fryers and processed packaged foods include MegaTrans made from vegetable oils.

It has been established that consuming French fries damages your arteries right away:

These “mutant” lipids, which harm your cell membranes and chromosomes and cause severe inflammation in your body, are produced when vegetable oils are refined.

The free radicals in vegetable oils also damage your arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. Please be aware that this isn’t just a long-term risk of eating vegetable oils daily.

Some studies show immediate dysfunction in your arteries, also called endothelial function.

Catherine Shanahan, MD, cites in her book Deep Nutrition a study from New Zealand that showed that subjects who ate french fries from a restaurant fryer displayed immediate harm to their endothelial function of their arteries, going from a normal 7% dilation before eating the french fries to almost NO dilation at all (only 1%) AFTER eating the french fries. This is one thing that can cause a heart attack.

Dr Shanahan also surveyed hundreds of patients that were admitted to the hospital for a heart attack, and discovered that every sing le patient that just had a heart attack had consumed foods made with vegetable oils with their last meal before the heart attack…

Think about THAT next time you order the fries with that sandwich on the menu! It is THAT serious.

Always ask to replace french fries that come with most meals with side veggies, fruit, or a salad instead. That may very well be the difference between dying tomorrow or enjoying many more years on this beautiful planet.

Reason #3 — Vegetable oils cause massive imbalances with your Omega-6 to Omega-3 fats ratio.

Vegetable oils are harming you for several MAJOR reasons, one of which is that they are primarily composed of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats and little anti-inflammatory omega-3 fat.

According to the scientific literature, a 2:1 or even 1:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 seems to be the healthiest ratio. However, most vegetable oils skew your ratio as high as 20:1 or even 30:1 in favor of harmful inflammatory omega-6 fats.

Even worse, these omega-6 fats are the “mutant” damaged MegaTrans type that destroys your body’s tissues rather than the healthy type found in nuts.

Vegetable oils may cause heart disease, cancer, obesity, and a host of other degenerative conditions that WILL drastically reduce your life if you don’t stop using them right away due to this Omega fat imbalance.

Just a quick reminder that using healthy oils like coconut oil, olive oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, and grass-fed butter, all of which are MUCH healthier than vegetable oils and don’t cause any of the problems we’ve discussed in this section of the article, is the answer to all of these significant problems with vegetable oils.

“The Fat Burning Kitchen” (Your 24-Hour Diet Transformation to Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine): BUY HERE:

Inside this book , you’ll discover:

  • The true secret to making calorie-counting obsolete … this is the same principle that will automatically eliminate your cravings and control your appetite permanently (it’s the same reason that I personally haven’t had a real “craving” in at least 7 years) — pg 1-2
  • The truth about polyunsaturated fats (omega-6’s and omega-3’s) that most food companies don’t want you to know — pg.18
  • Which protein bars or energy bars are actually candy bars in disguise and which bars are actually good for you — pg.50
  • The real deal on saturated fat and cholesterol, and why they are essential in your diet — pg.59 (Without enough saturated fats and cholesterol in your diet, you can actually HARM your hormone balance)
  • The “whole grain” deception and why whole grain crackers, breads, and cereals are packing more bodyfat on you — pg.9
  • Why that skim milk may not be so good for you after all, and the dirty truth about homogenized milk too — pg.29
  • The one time when tilapia and salmon are NOT health foods (plus the best alternatives) — pg.36
  • A healthy fat-burning burger option? Yes — pg.60
  • Why soymilk, tofu, and veggie burgers could be increasing your belly fat — pg.41
  • Are sports drinks stifling your fat-burning and making you AGE faster? — pg.46
  • The ONLY truly healthy options for sweeteners … even non-caloric sweeteners — pg.83
  • A surprisingly healthy fat in some animal products that actually helps you burn fat & build muscle (it even helps to fight cancer) — pg.60
  • Why egg whites are actually WORSE for you than whole eggs — pg.65
  • Do diet sodas and other diet drinks hurt your fat loss efforts? — pg.22
  • Is whole milk actually better for you than skim milk? There’s more to the story — pg.67
  • A type of saturated fat that actually helps to stimulate your metabolism — pg. 112
  • The one time when delicious creamy chocolate can even help to prevent your sweet tooth cravings (It even helps improve your blood pressure too!) — pg.88
  • Does green tea or oolong tea really increase your metabolism and help fat loss? The truth — pg.90
  • Which fruits & veggies are okay to choose non-organic — pg.94
  • …and TONS more secrets to help you permanently transform your diet to force your body to burn fat more effectively, while also preventing diabetes.

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