
6 Essential Steps To A Positive Body Image

A positive body image is one that we should all strive for. This is when you know yourself and who you are. You have a very true perception of your size, shape, and weight. You see yourself as you are in the present. You accept yourself, even though you may be overweight. You believe in yourself and love yourself while still striving for something better. When you have a positive body image, no time is spent obsessing about food, weight, calories, exercise, etc. You are proud of who you are and feel comfortable in your own body.

Many people that suffer from binge eating disorders and depression do not have positive body images. Instead, they have very distorted images of how they see themselves.


6 Essential Steps To A Positive Body Image

Here are 6 Essential Steps To A Positive Body Image:

Create a list of people that you admire

Write down why you admire each person. As you are writing the characteristics you like, take notice of what you are writing down.

Remember a time in your life when you felt great about yourself

Travel back in your life to a time when you were happy with your body. Maybe this was high school or college. Whatever the time, just close your eyes and remember how you felt. Let these good feelings radiate within you.

Write down what you like about yourself now

Take out a piece of paper and write down everything that you like about yourself: your legs, your eyebrows, your smile, your hair, etc. The key here is to focus on the likes of yourself instead of the many dislikes. Start appreciating what you do like about yourself. This will make you feel better overall.

Notice how you carry yourself when you walk

Do you walk with your head down looking at the ground? Do you slump your shoulders? Perk up! Start walking and making eye contact with people. Hold your head up high. Walk with your shoulders held back.

Start exercising

If you haven’t exercised in a while, start slow. Take a great day and go for a walk outside. In order to avoid getting bored, if you are accustomed to exercising, keep it up and switch things up. Even if it’s only for a short period of time—say, 15—exercising makes you feel better about yourself. Move up gradually after a slow start.


Hang out with positive people

Take a look at the people closest to you. Are they positive or negative people? Chances are if they are negative, this attitude will reflect on you and your attitude.
Try to limit your time with any negativity as this will only make you feel bad about yourself. You will focus on the things that you do not like about yourself.
Begin to accept yourself and feel good about yourself. You will gradually become aware of the alterations that have taken place. Instead of constantly fighting against yourself, learn to be on your side. Reposition your shoulders and stop focusing on what you are not.Love the person you are and the person that you are becoming.

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