
Actress Lizzy Gold saddened as her house help allegedly abscond with 1000 euro from her room (Video)

Nollywood actress, Lizzy Gold has been left saddened after her house help ran away with her £1000 from her drawer.

The ex-beauty queen took to her Instagram page and story to expose the identity of her house help, who she claimed absconded with her money.

An heartbroken Lizzy revealed that she had returned home late from a movie set when her other house help told her that she had left the house.

Prior to the incident, Lizzy Gold disclosed that the house help had told her of her resignation as she desired to start a life in Abba.

Being the kind boss, Lizzy had given her her ATM to withdraw her transport fare, as well as buys foodstuffs for the house since there was no food. She had also promised to send her the money she has being saving for her.

Actress Lizzy Gold saddened as her house help allegedly abscond with 1000 euro from her room (Video)

On getting home, Lizzy discovered that her room had been tampered with as her clothes weren’t in the right position.

The movie star discovered that her 1000 euro, which she kept after returning from Europe had being missing.

Venting out, Lizzy questioned if there is any good people in this world.

“Am so sad right now…my house keeper stole 1000 euro and ran away..am so hurt…do we still have good people in this world?”.

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