
Bobrisky Sleeps with Me Every Night, I Left Because I Can’t Cope With His Demands – Former PA, Oye Kyme

  • Oye Kyme claimed that Bobrisky ‘knacks’ her at night and harasses her almost all the time. In her words: “Working as PA in the morning and knacking you at night. I wanted to make new friends and he now beat me. This is real story. He dey knack girl. I didn’t went to Nigeria to have love story.
  • You wanted to force me to do things I don’t want. After you started harassing me you are such a toxic person. That is why I never get the power to rest on your matter. I think I’m good now I’ve clear my mind.
  • A lot of people have been telling me to rest but this is the reason I couldn’t rest. When I was in Nigeria, if it’s time to go to bed, he will be asking me Oye are you going to sleep with your trouser on? Bla bla bla. Stop using women gender to make money, na 100% man you be with big thing.”

Oye Kyme, an Ivoirian influencer and former personal assistant to Nigerian crossdresser Bobrisky, has revealed new details about their previous relationship.

She claimed on Instagram that the celebrity crossdresser used to sleep with her every night when she lived with him.

Bobrisky adopted Oye as his daughter in 2021, but they split up a few months later after the Ivoirian complained that she couldn’t keep up with his demands.

She posted an old video of them together in which Bobrisky revealed to fans that she was his daughter.

But Oye Kyme criticized the daughter-mother relationship as a ploy, criticizing the socialite for exhaustingly sleeping with her on a daily basis.

A user also queried Oye Kyme about the size of Bobrisky’s manhood alongside his se3ual prowess and in response, she refused to give the much-anticipated answer, adding that she promised herself never to be on blogs again.

This comes months after Kyme revealed that she has given her life to Christ and wishes people to respect her choice.

She made the announcement during an Instagram live session. However, fans lambasted her over the things she has done with Bobrisky and other men, but she replied that she should not be judged by her past mistakes.

Oye said she never claimed to be perfect or a virgin and the fact that she has decided to turn a new leaf should earn her praises not criticism.

She said she is the only person who knows what she experienced that made her decide to accept Jesus Christ into her life.

The brand influencer who said it is never too late to change for the better, noted that none of the people judging her are superior beings.

Bobrisky Sleeps with Me Every Night, I Left Because I Can’t Cope With His Demands – Former PA, Oye Kyme
Bobrisky Sleeps with Me Every Night, I Left Because I Can’t Cope With His Demands – Former PA, Oye Kyme
Bobrisky Sleeps with Me Every Night, I Left Because I Can’t Cope With His Demands – Former PA, Oye Kyme

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