
Hair Loss Let Us Discuss The Reasons

Why should perfectly healthy hair start thinning? When they do start dropping, we worry nonstop and look for solutions. What causes hair to fall out? Let’s try to identify as many of them as we can and determine how to put a stop to that.

Various causes of hair loss

The primary cause, other than genetics or a condition, is improper haircare. We like to play around with our hair when it’s healthy. It is colored by us. Consider perming. To appear excellent, get further heat and chemical treatments. Every hair-changing procedure damages the cuticle in order to transform the hair. The cuticle breaks down after numerous treatments since it can’t handle it. Additionally, the hair’s cortex (inner portion) breaks down.

Cancer chemotherapy causes hair loss in the patient. Due to the therapy, that is only a transitory situation. The hair eventually grows back. Some drugs result in hair loss. Ask your doctor whether there may be a connection if you take medication and are losing your hair.

Diet is a different factor. Hair loss may result from a protein or iron deficiency. After giving birth, women lose hair, but they grow it again. Unless you have inherited hair loss or alopecia areata, you can quickly determine the cause and make the necessary corrections.

Please discuss any supplements that might aid in maintaining healthy hair with your doctor. Also, bring up any individualized explanations for your hair loss.

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