
How People Who Attended Hilda Baci’s Cook-A-Thon, Ransacked and Stole Everything in The Building

Longe Segun, a Nigerian designer, claims that the structure where chef Hilda Baci held her cook-a-thon was ransacked after the assignment was accomplished.

He made the announcement on Twitter, stating that he works for the company that built the structure.

Hilda Baci began her four-day ‘cook-a-thon’ on Thursday, May 11 in Amore Gardens in Lekki, Lagos State, with the goal of breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking hours.

According to Segun, on the last day of the task, attendees stole everything that was inside, leaving behind only the refrigerator.

The guy shared the story in reaction to someone who posted photos of themselves at the venue of the cook-a-thon.

He listed some of the stolen items to include; pots, bowls, baskets, and fake fruits used to decorate the interior.

The man, however, said that his boss was understanding and did not blame any of the workers for the loss of the properties.

Segun wrote; “That structure behind you was built by Art company I work with. It’s one of the project I supervised.

On the last day of the Cookathon, everything in that structure was stolen by people that came to the venue. D only thing they didn’t steal was the fridge.

Boss understand the situation of things. If not, our pay would have been zapped. She’s a kind boss

See ehn, set of pots 50k, antique baskets, ceramics statues, ceramics bowls all imported by my boss, small potted plants, they even stole the fake fruits. See that theft for affect our pay if not for an understanding boss cos na serious lack of supervision occur there.”

A tweep @Emem_multy asked; But I thought they were securities, how did they pass without being seen? Human seizes to amaze me.

Segun responded; @LongeSegun; “The last two days was hell. We were all tired so we slept. Thinking since it’s a Monday, people won’t turn up, by the time I woke up, people were everywhere, choked. When it was evening, I went to the kitchen and viola, I met people drinking alcohol inside the empty kitchen.”

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