
June 12: 7 Important Takeaways from President Tinubu’s Democracy Day Speech

  • The President, in his first official nationwide broadcast, spoke about some key national issues in the country
  • Seven key takeaways from President Tinubu’s Democracy Day speech are highlighted in this article

State House, Abuja – President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, on Monday, June 12, addressed Nigerians in his maiden Democracy Day celebration broadcast. The President, during the nationwide broadcast, spoke about some important national issues and the significance of the day to the people, Nigerian Tribune reported

Below are seven essential takeaways from Tinubu’s Democracy Day speech.

The ultimate sacrifice for democracy President Tinubu said the democracy, which Nigeria has enjoyed since 1999, was gotten through the ultimatum sacrifice paid by Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola and others during the June 12 struggle.

He charged Nigerians not to take democracy for granted because it did not come on a platter of gold. Tinubu noted that the 1993 presidential election “turned out, ironically, to be the seed that germinated into the prolonged struggle that gave birth to the democracy we currently enjoy since 1999.“

Heroes of democracy

The President remembered and celebrated those he called “heroes of democracy,” fighting on the side of the people against the military junta while pursuing democracy. Tinubu mentioned as Kudirat Abiola, wife of Chief Abiola, Pa Alfred Rewane, Shehu Musa Yar’Adua.

He said: “They gave their yesterday for the liberty that is ours today.”

2023 general election and the beauty of democracy

Tinubu revisited the 2023 presidential election, which he won to become President. He said the fact that the election was keenly contested proves positive that democracy is well and alive in Nigeria.

Speaking about the outcome of the election, Tinubu said:

“But the beauty of democracy is that those who win today can lose tomorrow and those who lose today will. Those who cannot endure and accept the pain of defeat in elections do not deserve the joy of victory when it is their turn to triumph. Above all, those who disagree with the outcome of the elections are taking full advantage of the constitutional provisions to seek redress in court and that is one of the reasons why democracy is still the best form of government invented by man.”

Abuse of judicial system to truncate democracy

President Tinubu said that gone are the days when the judiciary is being used to truncate democracy. He noted that reform of the legal system has started with the recent assent to the constitutional amendment, harmonizing the retirement age for judicial officers.

“It has become imperative to state here that the unnecessary illegal orders used to truncate or abridge democracy will no longer be tolerated. The recent harmonization of the retirement age for judicial officers is meant to strengthen the rule of law, which is a critical pillar of democracy. The reform has just started.“

Dividends of democracy to the people

He spoke about democracy that yields dividends and eliminates poverty from the people. He explained that the dividends are not just freedom of choice and the right to get people into elective offices.

“It means social and economic justice for our people. To the winner of June 12, democracy offers the best chance to fight and eliminate poverty. Thirty years ago, he christened his campaign manifesto, ‘Farewell to Poverty,’ because he was convinced that there is nothing divine about poverty. It is a man-made problem that can be eliminated with clearly thought out social and economic policies.”

Fuel subsidy removal

President asked Nigerians to make more sacrifices, stating that the decision to remove fuel subsidy was to promote the welfare of the people over the personal interests of the ruling. “I feel your pain. This is one decision we must bear to save our country from going under and take our resources away from the stranglehold of a few unpatriotic elements.”

He added:

‘The government I lead will repay you through massive investment in transportation infrastructure, education, regular power supply, healthcare and other public utilities that will improve the quality of lives.”

Committed to fulfilling the Renewed Hope agenda

President stated that he and his administration are committed to fulling the Renewed Hope agenda to the people.

“On my part and that of my administration, I pledge anew our commitment to diligently fulfilling every component of our electoral pact with the people – the ‘Renewed Hope’ agenda. We shall be faithful to truth. Faithful to equity. And faithful to justice. We shall exercise our authority and mandate to govern with fairness, respect for the rule of law, and commitment to always uphold the dignity of all our people.“

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