
Labour Party Is Now The First Force, Not The Third Force – Kenneth Okonkwo

Kenneth Okonkwo, a Nigerian actor and also the spokesperson of Labour Party presidential campaign council has stated that Labour Party is no longer the third force in Nigerian politics but it is now the first force.

According to Kenneth Okonkwo, Labour Party must now be regarded as the first force because the people of Nigeria used their votes to enthrone them to this position

His words: “Sorry we are not the third force, after the presidential elections we are now the first force, we are not the third force anymore. The people of Nigeria have spoken and they have seen the we are the first force.

“No party won more states than we did in the presidential election and we just came in 8 months to the elections and as you know we won even by their concocted results, we won lagos, FCT and obviously, we won rivers, we are still going to prove it”

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