
Purple Power Foods Benefits

Purple Power Foods are rich in a type of phytochemical called “anthocyanins”, well known for having powerful antioxidant capabilities and multiple health benefits.

Anthocyanins, a group of molecules that are good for your health and aid in cell protection and healing, are present in purple power foods. They actively support the health of the eyes and the brain, reduce inflammation, and combat cancer and heart disease. Teas, honey, wines, fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, chocolate, and grains all contain a significant amount of anthocyanins.

Purple Power Foods

Where Does the Power Come From?

In fruits and vegetables, purple is often a sign of nutrients called “anthocyanins” and this help to protect your cells from damage, which could lead to illness and diseases.

Plums and Prunes:

Plums are an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps facilitate the absorption of iron. They are also a good source of potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin B2, and A. Regular prune consumption may decrease blood pressure and LDL (the bad) cholesterol.
Additionally, phenols, naturally occurring plant chemicals with protective qualities, are abundant in both plums and prunes. And the more color in the fruit, the more of those anthocyanins. Riper fruits will also have more usable nutrients. The peel could have as much as 20 times the antioxidants as the flesh inside.

Purple Power Foods


Purple foods include polyphenols, which are well known for improving mood and cognitive function.
Despite being connected to the color purple, anthocyanins are pigments that can be red or blue.
Mulberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, bilberries, and black currants share some of the same characteristics.

Purple Power Foods


Purple peel and meat potatoes contain more than four times the antioxidant potential of regular potatoes, which are rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and fiber.
This is according to the United States Department of Agriculture. These potatoes are also an excellent source of fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and iron.
Consuming purple power foods such as potatoes can increase your intake of antioxidants and decrease inflammation.
Anthocyanins, antioxidant molecules related to better eye and heart health, in addition, to a decreased risk of chronic illness, are particularly abundant in them.

Purple Power Foods

Red Cherries:

These cherries are high in nutrients that guard against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The anthocyanins that give them their dark rich color helps to lower blood pressure and keep your blood vessels healthy and soft. They also help with joint problems like osteoarthritis and gout (a painful condition where crystals gather in your feet or ankles).

Purple Power Foods


Grapes contain anthocyanins that range in color from red to black. These juicy beauties are renowned for their resveratrol content, which has drawn attention for being one of several nutrients that act in concert to help shield your cells from harm that might cause illness. Red wine gets its color and resveratrol from the skins of grapes.

Purple Carrots Benefits

Purple Carrots:

They include significant amounts of anthocyanins and pro-vitamin A carotenoids, two potent antioxidants. They could also aid in glucose regulation and weight management. Try roasting, pickling, or grilling them. You will benefit from their additional anthocyanins in addition to the beta carotene and other carotenoids included in orange carrots, which may strengthen your immune system and prevent cancer.

Purple Cauliflower

Purple Cauliflower:

Antioxidants and sulfur compounds in cauliflower assist your body get rid of pollutants that can harm cells and raise your chance of developing cancer.
Purple cauliflower is a kind of broccoli that looks purple while raw but becomes green when cooked. Cruciferous vegetables have received praise for their ability to combat cancer. They include a lot of minerals, vitamin C, and phytonutrients.
To retain the most nutrients, steam, stir-fry, microwave, or eat it raw. They contain “anthocyanin” pigments, which combat H. pylori, the bacterium that causes urinary tract infections and stomach ulcers.


Egg Plants:

They include a lot of antioxidants and manganese, which are crucial for healthy bones and metabolism.

Red Cabbage:

These help your body fight germs, absorb nutrients, digest food, and even manage anxiety. When you prepare it, your body may be able to utilize the anthocyanins more easily.
Additionally, making kimchi from fermented cabbage provides your body with natural probiotics that feed the “microbiome” of bacteria that thrives in your stomach.



This color comes from different antioxidants called “betalains”.
These veggies are good for your heart, brain, and blood sugar. They break down quicker when you cook them than anthocyanins, so try steaming rather than roasting. Beets will add sweetness and a beautiful purplish-red color to your smoothies.

Red Dragonfruit

Red Dragon Fruits:

The red dragon fruits have bright, reddish-purple flesh dotted with tiny, black, edible seeds. They are high in nutrients and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, such as fiber, vitamin C, and magnesium.
Red dragon fruits also contain a high concentration of protective antioxidants. They help fight chronic diseases, promote a healthy gut, strengthen your immune system and boost your low iron level.

Redbor Kale:

A nutritional powerhouse, kale. 47 potent plant components, including kaempferol, quercetin, and p-coumaric acid, were present in the Redbor kale extract. They are also incredibly nutritious and tasty.

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